Design Compass | JSON Generator
Contribute to the open-source with ease!
This tool helps you easily contribute data to the Design Compass project on GitHub.
Simply fill in the details below, and a JSON file will be generated for you. No coding required!
field?.selectedOptions?.length) || !imageName || !screenName ? showErrors = true : generateJSON()"
class="font-semibold py-1.5 px-6 rounded"
:class="!formFields.every(field => field?.selectedOptions?.length) || !imageName || !screenName ? 'bg-gray-300 text-gray-500 cursor-not-allowed' : 'bg-indigo-600 text-white hover:bg-indigo-500 transition'"
Generate JSON
Generated JSON
To contribute to the Design Compass project, follow these steps:
Fork the Design Compass project on GitHub
Create a folder with your GitHub username inside the data
Create a folder inside it with the name of the app
Create a files with the screen name and extension .json
Paste the JSON in the file
Commit the changes and create a pull request
{{ generatedJSON }}
Copy to Clipboard